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CSR Community Development Program, PT. Pelita Agung Agrindustri Distributes Business Capital Assistance to Pelintung Youth

PT. Pelita Agung Agrindustri continues to be committed to distributing aid to the community, especially those in operational areas in a systematic and planned manner. So that people can have access to live a much better life in the future.

A manifestation of social responsibility or Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) by This time PT. Pelita Agung Agrindustri distributed capital in the form of quail breeding business to youth groups in Pelintung Village.

Management of PT. Pelita Agung Agrindustri explained that CSR Community Development is a community development activity that is organized and directed to facilitate community access to achieve better social, economic conditions and quality of life.

“We are carrying out CSR Community Development with a focus on Community Empowering, namely a company program that can support community independence, hopefully it can generate works in the community. We hope that this program will be successful and sustainable and will have a good impact on the Pelintung community,” said Sarjali, Chairman Units PT. Pelita Agung Agrindustri, to the media Saturday (02/12/2023).

On the same occasion, Public Relations of PT. Pelita Agung Agrindustri Rizki Siregar added that this community empowerment assistance is the company’s CSR, namely the Permata Social CSR program.

“We hope that this program can increase people’s creativity and productivity,” he hoped.

With the company’s CSR programs, said Rizki Siregar, it is hoped that it can increase the community’s sense of ownership of the presence of investments and companies operating in the Pelintung Village area.

“Of course, we want development and community empowerment activities to indirectly create the availability of local workers who are ready to work, and create independent families in an economic life that continues to improve,” he explained.

CSR Program PT. Pelita Agung Agrindustri this time received appreciation from the Karang Taruna Pelintung Village, representing the youth group that was included in the empowerment program by PT. Pelita Agung Agrindustri, Dandi Saputra, chairman of Karang Taruna, expressed his gratitude.

“We are very grateful to the management of PT. Pelita Agung Agrindustri for the CSR assistance in the form of business capital for youth. We hope that this assistance will have a positive impact on society and especially youth to be able to try independently,” he said.

For information, PT. Pelita Agung Agrindustri is one of the companies in the Dumai Industrial Estate that has been established and operating for 3 years. During its journey, PT. Pelita Agung Agrindustri has implemented and distributed many CSR programs.

This year PT. Pelita Agung Agrindustri has implemented several CSR programs, such as the Permata Cerdas CSR Program, Permata Sosial CSR, and Permata Sehat CSR.