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Dumai Industrial Estate Concern for Smooth Traffic

Damage to asphalt roads in the form of holes can occur when cracks are left without repair so that eventually water seeps in and makes the road layers brittle. These initially small holes can develop into large holes that can endanger road users.

To support transportation for the public and workers who will pass through Jalan Arifin Ahmad ( Lintas Pelintung ), the Dumai Industrial Estate is carrying out repairs by filling holes and paving the bridge. This activity was carried out on Saturday (9/12/2023) from 14.00 afternoon to 22.00 evening on Jalan Arifin Ahmad ( Lintas Pelintung ).

Paving this road is very important, because it is a need of many people. For road asphalting this time, it is located on the Tanjung Palas Bridge, Jalan Arifin Ahmad ( Lintas Pelintung ) 18 meters long with a width of 6 meters & the Sungai Kemelih Bridge on Jalan Arifin Ahmad ( Lintas Pelintung ) 26 meters long with a width of 6 meters, and several points on the road that have potholes along Jalan Arifin Ahmad ( Lintas Pelintung ). The work of patching holes and paving this bridge was carried out by CV. Agami Riau Mandiri ( Wilmar Vendor ). By mobilizing trucks carrying stone and sand materials as well as a number of heavy equipment to work on filling holes and paving bridges, and also by using quality tools, namely sprayers, finishers, tandem rollers & tire rollers.

As the main access, the Dumai Industrial Estate ensures that traffic runs smoothly and avoids traffic accidents. The benefits can be felt directly by the community, improving the economy and welfare of residents. The hope is that after the asphalting of Jalan Arifin Ahmad ( Lintas Pelintung ) is carried out, the community can also work together to maintain the road.