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Dumai Industrial Estate Holds Environmental Seminar and Fire Handling Simulation in Schools

25/01/2024 – Dumai Industrial Estate held an environmental seminar and fire handling simulation at 3 schools in Pelintung Village, Medang Kampai District, Dumai City. These schools include SDN 003 Pelintung, MtsN 2 Pelintung & SMK IT Zunurain Aqila Zahra Pelintung which will be held on January 23 2024-January 25 2024.

In this activity, the Dumai Industrial Estate also provided APAR assistance to each school. The hope is to prevent and extinguish small fires in each of these schools.

Firman Saragih as a speaker regarding fire handling simulations conveyed the importance of providing knowledge of the causes of fires and the precautions that need to be taken if a fire occurs. Uncontrolled and unwanted fire can cause loss of property and lives. Firman Saragih also added that heat sources that cause fires are open fire, electricity, welding, smoking, sabotage, chemical & natural reactions.

Samuel Ivan Gilberth as a speaker on the environment explained that waste is leftover products or goods that are not used, but can still be recycled into valuable goods. Meanwhile, waste is divided into 4 types, namely organic waste, inorganic waste, B3 waste & residual waste.

Samuel Ivan Gilberth also added that the dangers of waste can cause ground water pollution, cause air pollution, the dangers of microplastics, cause soil pollution, cause unpleasant odors, cause flooding, piles of rubbish become nests for animals and bacteria that are a source of disease & cause global warming.