06/02/2024 – Blood donation is the activity of donating or donating blood voluntarily. This donation is carried out to meet the needs of people who need additional blood, such as sufferers of severe trauma who have lost a lot of blood, anemia, thalassemia, hemophilia, and leukemia.
For this reason, the Dumai Industrial Estate is holding a blood donation activity on Tuesday, February 6 2024, 09.00 – Finish, at the Illies Central Office Room in the Dumai Industrial Estate.
The conditions for the quiz competition are as follows:
Minimum body weight 45 kg. Normal hemoglobin levels, around 12.5–17 g/dL and not more than 20 g/dL. Willing to donate blood voluntarily, proven by filling out a consent form. The time interval from the last donor is at least 3 months.
The aim of blood donation activities can provide a number of positive benefits for the donor himself, for example, maintaining heart health and blood circulation, reducing the amount of bad cholesterol, increasing red blood cell production, helping to detect certain diseases early and maintaining mental health.