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Revolution Industry For

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About Us

Dumai Industrial Estate is the largest Industrial Estate in Riau Province with a total land estate of ​​1,739 Ha. This estate began construction on August 31st, 2000.

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What Say People About Us

Simon Panjaitan

We appreciate the services of the Dumai Industrial Estate which have made it easier for investors to process permits. all parties, for their trust in investing in the Dumai Industrial Estate.

Dumai Industrial Estate with various international standard infrastructure and supporting facilities, as well as a very well planned area arrangement and commitment to providing the best service to create an environmentally friendly industry, by providing various business facilities needed by the businesses, as well as increasing human resources to provide world class service.

PT. Wilmar Nabati Indonesia

Simon Panjaitan

Pimpinan PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia
Syahruna Badrun

For us, the Dumai Industrial Estate is the right location to invest in Dumai. The facilities provided by the Dumai Industrial Estate have demonstrated a high commitment to realizing an Eco Industrial Park. Area management services and governance cover all aspects expected by tenants, both economically, environmentally and socially. Hopefully this performance can be maintained and even improved and together we can build the country towards the green industry that has been planned.

PT Bumi Karyatama Raharja

Syahruna Badrun

Pimpinan PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia
Raymond Ranthe

One of the largest state-owned companies in Indonesia operating in the electricity sector. PLN is of course the organizer of the business of providing electricity for the public interest in adequate quantity and quality as well as generating profits and carrying out Government assignments in the electricity sector in order to support development by implementing the principles of Limited Liability Companies. Therefore, as an embodiment of supporting the Dumai Industrial Estate which is a big PLN customer, we have been entrusted with establishing a PLN Main Substation in the Dumai Industrial Estate to Energize Operations since 2019. As one of the tenants in the area, we are in mutual symbiosis with each other in terms of K3 Safety , facilities, construction and maintenance of PLN electrical installations.


Raymond Ranthe

Pimpinan PT Ciliandara Perkasa
Ali Bastor Tanjung

As a company that produces biodiesel for domestic and foreign marketing. We  started our establishment in the Dumai Industrial Estate in 2007 and started operations in 2010.

As the first company to become a tenant in the Dumai Industrial Estate, we have been assisted and facilitated a lot by Dumai Industrial Estate in terms of business permits, construction and maintenance of tenant support facilities in this estate, as well as the operations of the companies used.

The professional management and completeness of international standard facilities owned by the Dumai Industrial Estate have really helped us in realizing our commitment to continue producing high quality and high value palm oil.

The operations of the Dumai Industrial Estate are also in line with our company strategy, which focuses on maximizing results and minimizing environmental and social impacts that occur.

Our hope is for the management of the Dumai Industrial Estate, that the good service that has can be maintained and improved in the future so that companies joining this area can continue to grow and develop even better. This is of course in accordance with our slogan “One Source, Endless Possibilities”

PT. Ciliandara Perkasa

Ali Bastor Tanjung

Pimpinan PT Ciliandara Perkasa


Why Choose Us ?

Strategic location

Dumai Industrial Estate is located on Jl. Pulau Sumatera No.1, Pelintung, Medang Kampai, Dumai, Riau Province, Indonesia…more

Easy access

Access to the Dumai Industrial Estate location is very easy via the PEKANBARU-DUMAI Toll Road. It is only 45 KM from the Dumai Toll Gate to the KID Main Gate…more

Infrastructure & Facilities

Some of the Infrastructure and Facilities that we have..more


KLIK is one of the Facilities Provided by the Government to Companies that will Invest in Certain Industrial Estate…more