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Visit of PT. Jasa Raharja in the Dumai Industrial Estate

PT. Jasa Raharja as the first guarantor for traffic accident victims. Ease of claiming compensation is an innovation of Jasa Raharja for the Nation.

PT. Jasa Raharja visited the Dumai Industrial Estate on December 1 2023 at the Illies Central Office Dumai Industrial Estate, inviting all companies in the Dumai Industrial Estate.

PT. Jasa Raharja during its visit to the Dumai Industrial Estate, which was attended by Dayu Indah N.P, SE, M.Si as Resource Person and M. Budi Pujo S, SE as Moderator delivered material regarding the Socialization of Duties and Scope of Guaranteed Traffic Accident Compensation by PT. Jasa Raharja which aims to inform the public/participants present regarding passenger and traffic accident insurance guaranteed by PT. Jasa Raharja and so that the rights of the community/families of traffic accident victims can be provided immediately.

In the discussion, “can a hit-and-run accident result in compensation from raharja services?” said the participants present. Dayu Indah N.P, SE, M.Si explained, for hit-and-run accident cases, the police must conduct a survey of the crime scene (TKP) first to find out the truth of the accident case, and if it is proven that it was a hit-and-run accident, then PT. Jasa Raharja can provide compensation to victims.

PT. Jasa Raharja hopes that the entire community will know the procedures for processing traffic accident compensation, that every traffic accident victim who experiences an accident, can immediately report it to the police so that their compensation rights will immediately be processed by PT. Jasa Raharja.